Thursday, 31 October 2019

Migration Stories

1.  What is your Migration Story? (handouts)

2.  Stand Up/Sit Down: Migration Stories

3. Baggage continued...

Student Led Conferences are a week today.
Make sure you are caught up!

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Why Migrate?

*Hand In/Submit on Google Classroom:
            'Standards of Living' & 'Dollar Street'

1.  Why Do People Migrate?

      What are PUSH and PULL factors?? 
  *Discuss and create a list of push & pull factors
  *Be prepared to share examples with the class

2.  How do these Push & Pull factors connect to Canada?

*View documentary 'Baggage' and write down examples on the handout.


Student- Led Conferences are next week.
Check in with Ms Cyr to make sure you are up to date!