Assignments on FreshGrade
Smaller assignments are marked using the work check scale:
Smaller assignments are given to practice thinking skills (curricular competencies) and/or to help students familiarize themselves with content. They are important in order that the students have a good foundation to complete the Larger Assessments...

Larger Assessments (Projects, Tests, Presentations, Discussions, etc) are marked using the Proficiency Scale.
Students are expected to bring together the thinking skills they have practiced and content that they have learned while completing the smaller assignments.
Smaller assignments are given to practice thinking skills (curricular competencies) and/or to help students familiarize themselves with content. They are important in order that the students have a good foundation to complete the Larger Assessments...

Students are expected to bring together the thinking skills they have practiced and content that they have learned while completing the smaller assignments.
If you do not have one of these symbols next to an assignment you have not submitted it!
*Upload it to FreshGrade using word, pdf or take a picture