Tuesday 7 April 2020

Welcome Back!

1.  Online Learning: Procedures and questions...
Things you need to do:
* 'Attend' all class meetings and participate

*Check the blog on a regular basis

*Use FreshGrade to submit assignments *unless otherwise specified - like today we are going to use TED-ED.

* Confidential information will be sent via email and/or put on FreshGrade, get in the habit of checking them regularly

* Ask questions and give me feedback on how things are going. This is new to ALL of us!

2.  Zoom questions?

3.  Middle Ages assignment for Thursday
We will be using TED-ED for this lesson, please sign up for a free account using your name (no amusing nicknames please- I can't assess your work if I don't know who did it!).

Go to TED-ED lesson 'The End of the Feudal System'

Go to the THINK section and look over the questions before you view the video. 

View the video and complete the THINK questions. *Make sure you are signed in so you can save your answers! (and I can see them)

Go to the DISCUSS section and read the question.  You can then go to the DIG DEEPER section for two links that give you more information.  Post your answer to the question.  We will be discussing this on Zoom on Thursday.